[vpFREE] Gambling with an Edge --- February 23


This Thursday's Gambling with an Edge will feature Michael
Bluejay. Bluejay is a thrifty guy (Michael Shackleford said on the air last
week that Bluejay makes Jean Scott seem to be an out-of-control spendthrift).
Like Scott, Bluejay publishes all sorts of tips on how to gamble and do other
things in Las Vegas cheaply.

Shackleford and I will also be discussing the Palms Heads Up Slot Tournament
--- with Re-buys that happened this past weekend. To follow that discussion,
you probably want to look at my recent column http://www.lasvegasadvisor.com/bob_dancer/2012/0221.cfm

GWAE may
be heard live in Las Vegas on Thursday evenings from 7-8, or on www.klav1230am.com from anywhere. The
shows are archived the next day on both bobdancer.com and wizardofodds.com


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