>-----Original Message-----
>From: Nate's Tickets nate@natestickets.com [vpFREE]
>Subject: [vpFREE] Stations drawings.
>If you're one of the top point earners in the weekly/monthly drawing, are you still eligible to have your tickets drawn for a 2nd spot?
Rules will differ with every drawing, and everyone should make an attempt to fully understand all of them. In the most recent all Station's casinos monthly promotion, the pedal to the money drawings, you could only win once per drawing. Even with the rules in hand, there are always questions. In this pedal to the money promo., the official rules and the monthly mailer both state that the promotion runs through Mar. 26, which was a Sunday, even though the final drawing was on Friday, Mar. 24. Who knows why they did not do a monthly promo. for the actual entire month and do a drawing on the last Friday of the month, Mar. 31, is anyone's best guess. For the four top point earner's in this promotion, they were entitled to the first four attempts at picking out the single mustang spin chance, and the other ten participants had to have the computer pick their players card number out of the virtual drum at the time of the drawing in order to be a participant. The drawing order of the four top earner's is determined by the time that each of them shows up at the promotions desk. These four players do receive advance notification that they are in fact the top four, and if they did not show up at the desk by the 8:15 p.m. time of the draw, they forfeited their chance. Hope this is clear enough to answer your question.
As a side note, even though I do more than my fair share of bumbling Boyd bashing, I will at least give them credit for posting a pdf file on line of all of their official rules. It even seems that with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, the file actually opens in your browser to read, and you do not have to download and save it. Kudos to them for that. How many grueling minutes of code writing could this task take? Stations, are you listening?