One question, is there a charge for using the credit card to pay off the marker?
Some credit card has 2 % charge credit card for cash advance.
Sent from my iPad
> On Aug 6, 2014, at 5:23 PM, "bob appic [vpFREE]" <> wrote:
> I've used casino markers routinely at several casinos with no problem. ATMs face stiff charges (as someone noted) and often have limits on how much you can withdraw - limits too low for most $ VP players. I carry a small amount in cash, then take a marker for what I expect to need at a given casino - then I pay off the marker before I leave, using a credit card (and thus getting points or miles rather than giving bit ATM charges). If more cash is needed at the next casino on the trip, I repeat the process there. If I wind up with too much cash going home, I ask the casino for a check, and deposit it in the bank account I use for only for my bankroll - the same acct I use to pay off the credit card charges when they arrive. It works for me.
> Bob in San Antonio
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