007 wrote: " I've never heard of some of the
points in an account being deleted. I was asked by a host "do you
think they last forever?" Live and learn."
You should never leave points in your account, casinos will steal them. You can try filing a complaint with a gaming agent, sometimes they can get your points back. Of course if there is enough value there, you could always give Bob Nersesian a call. If you look at the fine print for most card agreements these days there's some interesting language there but I'm told it won't hold up in court should you chose that route. For example, here's Total Rewards:
"27. All decisions regarding the interpretation of Program rules, eligibility, Tier Credit and Reward Credit accumulation, etc. lie solely with management whose decisions are final.
28. Caesars reserves the right to modify or cancel this Program at any time, for any reason, subject to any applicable regulatory approval."
https://www.totalrewards.com/images/total_rewards/Total_Rewards_Rules_Regs.pdf https://www.totalrewards.com/images/total_rewards/Total_Rewards_Rules_Regs.pdf
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