[vpFREE] Re: 12 casinos visited last week. Opinion, after returning to Vegas from years ago.


Congrats on hitting $10k worth of Jackpots at GoldCoast...probably put a hurt on them, lol.

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Posted by: richardsk2011@yahoo.com
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[vpFREE] Re: 12 casinos visited last week. Opinion, after returning to Vegas from years ago.


Well, I'm not sure about anything because I have not been to Eastside Cannery in a long time. So they could have a thousand FPDW machines as far as I know. It's just that if they did have the game I probably would have heard about it. Assuming you accidentally played NSUD, that could be, and like you said, not really a big deal, especially just a little play for quarters. But I hope you did not confuse the 15-9 games for FPDW, because that would be even worse. They do have 15-9 games there. Anyway, enjoyed your trip report, even if it confused me a little.

Eastside Cannery is a lovely place, I need to stop by there soon. I do, however, miss the Nevada Palace. Not sure why.


---In vpFREE@yahoogroups.com, <whitejeeps@...> wrote :

Hi there Bobbartop
First, I have never been accused of being smartest guy in town. I believe you may be right . I may have been playing NSUD. Not good for me, as I used FPDW strategy. One bright side I was only playing quarter. It never ceases to amaze me how sometime one can have a mental block I used faulty memory and believed they were the full pay. My old strategy sheet doesn't have pay schedule on it. Since I haven't played Deuces In 9 years, I wasn't on my game. (I had my cheat sheet?) A mistake that should not happen to a guy who has played vp since Sircoma video pokers built by Si Redd . I remember playing vp in
IP when there were a few prototype machines there. Si later founded IGT. But don't hold me to that, my memory might be crap. I STAND CORRECTED !!

Another good example of why casinos don't really lose..... Under all conditions the cash box always shows
profit. It's just they want obscene profits.


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Posted by: bobbartop@yahoo.com
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[vpFREE] Re: Tahoe Harrah's 9/6 JoB machines


What was asked, and isn't clarified here is: Are these inventories intact as of Sunday?

---In vpFREE@yahoogroups.com, <tellyski@...> wrote :

Harrahs has 10 triple play dollars with 9/6 Jacks
Also 2 100 play quarters
several $5 9/6 jacks

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Posted by: harry.porter@verizon.net
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[vpFREE] Re: 12 casinos visited last week. Opinion, after returning to Vegas from years ago.


Hi there Bobbartop
First, I have never been accused of being smartest guy in town. I believe you may be right . I may have been playing NSUD. Not good for me, as I used FPDW strategy. One bright side I was only playing quarter. It never ceases to amaze me how sometime one can have a mental block I used faulty memory and believed they were the full pay. My old strategy sheet doesn't have pay schedule on it. Since I haven't played Deuces In 9 years, I wasn't on my game. (I had my cheat sheet?) A mistake that should not happen to a guy who has played vp since Sircoma video pokers built by Si Redd . I remember playing vp in
IP when there were a few prototype machines there. Si later founded IGT. But don't hold me to that, my memory might be crap. I STAND CORRECTED !!

Another good example of why casinos don't really lose..... Under all conditions the cash box always shows
profit. It's just they want obscene profits.


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Posted by: whitejeeps@yahoo.com
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[vpFREE] Re: Tahoe Harrah's 9/6 JoB machines


Harrahs has 10 triple play dollars with 9/6 Jacks
Also 2 100 play quarters
several $5 9/6 jacks

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Posted by: Jerry Price <tellyski@gmail.com>
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[vpFREE] Re: 12 casinos visited last week. Opinion, after returning to Vegas from years ago.


It's real simple then. I'm wrong.


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Posted by: whitejeeps@yahoo.com
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Re: [vpFREE] Harrahs Cherokee Valley River - open 9/28/15


I went this weekend. It's much smaller than the original.  All they have is a food court with no "real" restaurants.

It is $10/point.
The best games I found were $10/$25 8/5 BP and $5 9/6 DDBAF.
The rest of the paytables looked about the same as the original.  Why they don't have the same $5 paytables as the original is a mystery.

From: "dayrelton@hotmail.com [vpFREE]" <vpFREE@yahoogroups.com>
To: vpFREE@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 8:21 AM
Subject: [vpFREE] Harrahs Cherokee Valley River - open 9/28/15

  Anyone checked it out? Will they entice VP players.
Or is it DOA with high $/tc ?

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Posted by: Mike Leonard <mleon2000@yahoo.com>
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