I'm confused both about on what day "midnight" occurs and what the
convention is. "Midnight," having no duration, seems to be "between"
the 2 days. If I were to try to communicate which day I meant, I'd
feel the need to add one of the phrases "on the night of" or "on the
morning of." I think the confusion extends to the few hours after
midnight. Often, 1:00 or 2:00 A. M. is thought of as being on the
night of the previous day. Some casinos try to reduce the confusion
by starting promotions at 12:01 A. M. and/or ending them at 11:59 P.
Jim Engstrom wrote:
>Actually, it seems to me that it would be the morning of the 23rd.
>Using a 24 hour clock, one day ends one minute after 2359 and the next begins at 0000.
>Using that logic, midnight 23 August would occur at 0000 on the morning of the 23rd.
>On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 1:23 AM, "vpbp2002@yahoo.com [vpFREE]" <vpFREE@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>Yes, You are the only one. Midnight the evening of the 23rd would be August 24th.