Slot players should beware. When they cut pay % in VP, my opinion, they zing the slot players too. Slot players don't immediately notice the cut. It takes months till they sense they are getting ripped.
I always sense better business in casinos that offer good VP. Good managers realize giving players good gamble brings players back. Wins are temporary loans, to players who spend month after month, in long run.
I wonder if millennials had started playing in Vegas instead of local casinos with 10% casino hold on 5 cent
play, maybe they would be a new generation of players. Losing 5 or 6 times in row is instant formula to discourage new players.
My opinion means nothing. But, I contend that all the bankrupt casino properties indicate casino managers
decisions aren't so good. Especially since drinking and gambling have historically done better when less people ore working. I believe boozing is still doing good.
If your a slot player, watch the vp. I think it's indicator....
Just a thought ..... Cheers, Jeep
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