I get a little twitchy when Bob posts an article like this. Bottom line, I think it primarily serves to make any casino manager who follows his column (and I suspect that's more than a couple) just a tad more nervous that they're being taking advantage of on yet another front.
A little paranoia can go a long way ...
Setting aside that consideration, I differ markedly from Bob's perspective on airfare: He considers it just another component of a play's EV, and as such is inclined to maximize reimbursement, subject to certain moral bounds that he goes on to highlight (letting the reader "draw the line" themselves).
In my case (and from what he writes, it appears that airfare reimbursement is a greater factor in my play, "stuck" in the middle of a non-gaming state - GA), I consider the perk a side benefit (much as I might consider the quality of dining or pool facilities at a hotel where I'm staying).
I don't want to "cross the line" over which someone might eventually decide I'm abusing a handsome privilege. If I'm receiving reimbursement from two properties, I'm inclined to structure that reimbursement so as not to exceed my out-of-pocket cost, at times revealing that I have multiple reimbursements.
One exception to this "honesty" is that more than occasionally I find that a casino will pop for limo transportation, but won't pick up an alternative car rental (even up to some reasonable set limit). I've gathered that they don't want to subsidize any expense that might take you away from the casino during a stay, particularly if that alternate destination might be another casino.
Where this is the case and a car rental is a considerable time or expense saving option, I may pad the reimbursement structure to make me whole for the car.
The truth is there's nothing other than my own judgment prompting this restraint on reimbursement. I've no doubt that the greater body of "all you can eat" players would go for every penny you can grab. I'm simply a great believer in "what goes around, comes around".
---In vpFREE@yahoogroups.com, <vpfree3355@...> wrote :
Bob Dancer's LVA Column - 5 JAN 2016
Airline Fare Redemption
http://www.lasvegasadvisor.com/bob_dancer/2016/0105.cfm http://www.lasvegasadvisor.com/bob_dancer/2016/0105.cfm
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]