In, Rprosdc <rprosdc@...> wrote:
> I am sure I am not the only person who occasionally finds him or herself at
> a table populated by a group that has been playing together for a number of
> shoes, developed a rhythm and comeraderie, and to its delight finds itself
> in the middle of a warm or hot shoe ... when all of a sudden some rube plops
> down and makes an outlandish bet or play that effectively the tables' luck.
It's common to come across the voodoo that a new player joining a shoe in progress causes one to lose.
But I just noticed that you've added to the already gigantic trove of bj superstition - This is the first time I've seen it stated that making "an outlandish bet..effectively [changes] the tables' luck."
[vpFREE] PS - Re: More on Bill Zender