[vpFREE] Re: The M progressive report


I wouldn't worry about it. "This trick" as you call it, is seriously frowned upon and can get you into hot water.

Some have argued that since it is possible it, the casino shouldn't be upset when you do it. That is certainly one way to look at it.

I would err on the side of caution. Of course I've never been a climb the mountain because it's there kind of guy, especially if the valley has nicer weather.

Apparently some have gotten away with it and not had issue. You have to do a cost/benefit analysis and decide if the reward is worth the risk.

For some, the excitement of getting one over on the casino is their reward even more than financial gain. If you are in this category then you might indeed want to try to get away with "this trick", since for you the JP is getting away with something...and this is certainly an opportunity.

I believe the financial EV of playing it straight is now superior at the M with their new progressive. I have no hard numbers to back this up. Since I only play for profit "fun" doesn't enter into my decisions. I choose not to use "the trick" at the M, because I calculated a greater long term value to staying in good graces with them. As it turned out for me this was a good idea. It could easily have gone the other way, and I could simply missed out on the extra income some made for a few months before the hammer came down.

It's a difficult decision. Good luck. I can see the issue from both sides, and I find I'm having difficulty deciding who the bad guy is.


--- In vpFREE@yahoogroups.com, "cheryl10jqka" <cheryl.mohme@...> wrote: I guess I need some learnin' here - what exactly is this about? I haven't heard about this "trick".
> --- In vpFREE@yahoogroups.com, "what7do7you7want" <what7do7you7want@> wrote: I have done this more or less since they opened....

Hard to understand how I failed to get booted.

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