--- In vpFREE@yahoogroups.com, coachvee@... wrote: Hi Gang: I've been meaning to pose this question to these forums for awhile hoping to open up some dialogue to a problem I've been experiencing for some time to see if it's as prevalent in the VP community as I believe it is.
FK Reply:
This problem is indeed so prevalent in the VP community that I devoted nearly a chapter in my book to it entitled, "Yo Ho Ho & a Bottle of Rum". (Piracy was the first job description in America with health benefits, if you missed the connection).
I also devoted a radio show to VP related health issues. I was planning on doing another show on this topic, but Bob ruled that it wasn't gambling related (enough). If you'd like to hear it you can find it at:
https://www.progressivevp.com/radio_show.php It's the Feb 17th show.
The reasons for body pain are too varied and person specific for me or any non-doctor (or even a doctor that hasn't examined you) to give you solid advice here in forum. You should see a specialist, tell them of your hobby, and ask if there is anything you can do to mitigate the stress it puts on your body. If the answer is, "not much" you should find another hobby.
You appear to be a recreational gambler, and don't need it to pay your rent. Therefore, getting another hobby that's less stressful should be your best course of action.
No one has to play video poker, not even us pros. Life is too short to spend it in pain.
Best wishes to you,
[vpFREE] Re: Body Wear & Tear