RE: [vpFREE] Children in Casinos


No flames from this corner of the world. I have to go to the grocery store at 4:00am so I don't have to listen to screaming children! I hate the new style of parenting, which seems to be ignoring your children while you're texting on your cell phone and this is whether you are in a casino or elsewhere..


it has become more common to see that many parents have abrogated their roles as effective parents. just compare children's behavior in restaurants now to ten or twenty years ago; 'it takes a village' now means that we all are expected to put up with undisciplined (and i'm not talking physical discipline) children's screaming, running around the restaurant, banging on the table, etc. i, for one, really enjoy the clubs in casinos in which children are not allowed; i personally enjoy quiet moments in between gambling bouts. *
*end of rant.*

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