Frank, you can have all the right intentions and the professionals can say the honest & right things until they're blue in the face. None of that will ever motivate regular players into ever admitting they even have anything resembling a problem. Worse still, AP's and the "experts & math people" aren't even convinced they're gambling as they play the machines.
Kudos to the person who can break down these barriers, and I look forward to what this gentleman has to say.
----- Reply message -----
From: "Frank" <>
My upcoming article in BJI will be a very special interview with Dr. William G. McCown the author of "Best Possible Odds" and five other books on problem gambling, including his most recent book, "Treating Gambling Problems". He is currently the Dean of the University of Louisiana at Munroe.
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Re: [vpFREE] Preview of Upcoming Article in Black Jack Insider