Depends on if you're trying to grow a gambling bankroll (to take on the bigger challenges) or if you just want the cashflow. If you're trying to grow a bankroll, the answer is the Kelly system, and that information is available at George Patton's alma mater:
--- In, "TIMSPEED" <corvetteracing87@...> wrote:
> Assuming everything has a 2% cashback
> The only thing that varies is the comp accrual (comp can only be used to pay for food)
> Let's also assume you MUST play $10k coin-in, in a 24 hour period
> 50c Single-Line with .35% comp
> (Choice of games is: 10/6/40DDB, 9/6JoB, 8/5BP, 8/5AcesFaces)
> 25c Triple-Play with .35% comp
> (Only game is 8/5BP SuperTimesPay)
> 5c Ten-Play with .25% comp
> (Only game is 9/6JoB)
> It's hard because the 99.95% DDB with .35% SEEMS like the best play, but I dunno if my bankroll could stand the variance...
> But with .25% comp on 9/6JoB I wouldn't have as much comp dollars..but my bankroll could withstand it.
> No matter what, for every $10k I go through in a 24 hour period, I get $200 in cash (up to $800 a month or $40k coin in)
[vpFREE] Re: Which would you rather play?