I was trying to avoid superfluous posts for awhile, but I've been getting an influx of supportive emails from my vpFREE friends asking me to stand up for myself and chastising my detractors. I have to nip this in the butt before my in-box fills up.
First: Thanks to all my fans for your support. Here it might be misguided.
Second: Thanks to all my non-fans for your opinions. I believe you have right on your side.
Here's my reply and I hope this puts an end to it.
In support of my detractors: When you are right you are right. I thought I was posting a bit much. Bob thought I was posting a bit much. The only people that didn't "seem" to think I was posting too much was vpFREE. Every time I would post something, I would get a barrage of private emails praising my posts, or asking for even more information. Those of you that didn't like them, were as silent as the grave. This generated a informational bias, which always leads to bad decisions.
Now look at this from my POV:
1. I post something
2. I get a ton of positive emails, thanks and requests for more
3. I never hear the opposing side because everyone else is silent
4. I come to the false conclusion I should post more
I thought I was giving people what they were asking for and wanted. Nothing more nothing less. I'm a gamma dog, and I like it that way.
To my supporters, try to see this from my detractors POV. They see me posting all the time. They don't see all the private emails you are sending me, and they naturally think the worst. It's a very understandable conclusion given their incomplete information.
THE RESOLUTION: From now on I will try to keep my volume of posts down to a more reasonable level and focus on more important gambling issues...and I'll leave the daily stuff to others.
I have to post about the radio-show anyway, that should be more than enough of my silly irreverent dialogue for one week.
If anyone has a question just for me, send it just to me.
I also reserve the right to use vpFREE to ask questions myself. My myopic career as a progressive pro has left huge gapping holes in my knowledge set that need plugging.
Summed up, I promise not to post more than Mickey:) He's your alpha dog and he's a better all around pro than I am.
Most sincerely,
P.S. Now if you'd like to respond to this, email me so I don't have to post more about how I'm posting less. Irony is ironic enough as it is.
[vpFREE] In response to your emails