--- In vpFREE@yahoogroups.com, "Frank" <frank@...> wrote:
> After about our 50,000,000 hand as a team, we became convinced VP machines were honest and random.
It's always useful to pencil out some numbers. I can only guess at what you were doing, so feel free to correct if you'd like. Let's say your team was mostly playing 8/5 jacks quarter progressives with a start level of $2500 on the royal. Since you had a team and played till it hit, the meter movement was like cash back to you and didn't add to your variance. But the variance of the game itself is about 130. After 50 million hands, the 2SD range would be plus or minus about $200,000. You would expect to be somewhere in that range some 95% of the time, but it would be unusual (and suspect) to hit the average exactly.
[vpFREE] Re: Best Randomness Analogy Contest