Correction: the numbers I gave were multiplied by 5, i.e. for a $5 single-line
machine, or $1 (5-play), not $1 single-line. Allow me to restate:
o For $5 single-line ($30 wager), holding TK despite a fp costs about $0.20,
holding TK despite a 9p costs $0.01.
o For $1 single-line ($6 wager), holding TK despite a fp costs about $0.04, and
holding TK despite a 9p costs about $0.003 (3-tenths of a cent).
But I don't think that was your question. If you're asking what the game EV
difference is between playing computer-perfect (i.e. playing the penalty-card
situations correctly) versus always preferring the K over TK, then I do not know
the answer; I do not have the tool to compute that. In other words, I do not
know how much the game EV drops from the computer-perfect EV of 99.5495% if you
always hold K over TK. It's a very small drop, to be sure, since such hands
doesn't occur very often, and the two holds are very close in value to begin
with: both holds have an total EV of about 2.35-2.40 coins for a 6-coin wager.
On Jan 16, 2011, at 11:03 AM, "quickquadsvp" <> wrote:
> Can you tell me what the EV difference is between your penalty situation and
>holding only the K?
>> JD wrote:
>> Hold TK unless flush penalty or 9, then just hold K.
> --- In, "vegasvpplayer" <vegasvpplayer@...> wrote:
>> Dancer says to hold suited "TK" over K. Wizard says hold just K. Anybody
>>know which is better? Does it depend on flush or straight penalty cards?
Re: [vpFREE] Re: 8/5 Bonus Poker Quick Quads