This replaces Message #85594, which has been deleted
because of a cutting and pasting error.
The following additions to the FAQ are a distillation of previous
posts by vpFREE administration on the sharing of good video
poker games.
<a href="http://members.
59. What is the vpFREE Sunshine Policy? -
The Sunshine Policy says that "ALL of the better video poker
games that are known to the vpFREE Administrator will be shared
with the vpFREE membership".
60. Should vpFREE members post reports about good games that
aren't in the DataBase? -
Every vpFREE member is expected to report all attractive games
that they find, unless they believe it is a casino mistake and
they wish to protect it for their own personal use.
60a. Why does vpFREE encourage members to post reports of
exceptionally good games (which may be removed because of the
publicity)? -
vpFREE believes that the free and open exchange of information is
vital and beneficial to the video poker community as a whole, and
is dedicated to sharing, promoting and preserving good video
poker situations that can survive and prosper in an open market
environment. If publicity kills a good play that had been a
secret, it's no great loss to the video poker community as a
whole, since they weren't even aware of the play previously.
Secrecy may be the best solution for prolonging an attractive
play, but you usually can't know for sure that disclosure
wouldn't have been better. Some protected plays have died because
of inactivity and others might have lasted longer if they had
been publicized and thereby attracted a better mix of abusive
players (who will usually find attractive plays via their own
grapevines) and non-abusive players.
60b. Should vpFREE members keep casino mistakes to themselves if
they're personally taking advantage of the mistake? -
Yes, but it's sometimes difficult to know if a mistake really is a
60c. Shouldn't vpFREE members help to prolong attractive
non-public plays by keeping them a secret? -
Not unless they are personally participating in the play.
It is in every player's best interest that other players lose
money playing video poker, thereby increasing casino profits and
allowing them to offer attractive video poker games. Since the
only beneficiary of a protected play is the very small group of
active participants (who are winning, which is contrary to all
non-participants best interests), vpFREE non-participants should
share the play with all members. Then, if it's a viable game it
will be available for everyone, and if not, the sooner it dies
the better (for everyone except the active participants)
Camaraderie, political correctness, and hopes of reciprocity in
protecting one's own private plays are reasons that
non-participants might not want to report a non-public play.
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