My wife and I stopped in on 1/21 to play a little at the Grand. I received $25 x 2 for some nominal play a couple of months ago.
We looked at the 8/5 DDB progressive and it was at the following levels:
RF --1126
Aces w/kicker -- 1273
2-4 w/kicker --275
aces -- 477
After we played, I ran it on win poker and came up with about 105.5%.
One interesting hand was AAA2x. I decided to just hold the AAA. Turns out that was the better play by 6 coins. But choosing between a 122 play and a 128 play it is hard to go wrong.
This is the 2nd time we have seen this progressive at a very playable level. If you are in the area, take a stop in. If the progressive is not playing, the super aces by the slot club booth are. They are single line $0.25 - $1.00, 8/5 super aces.