[vpFREE] Re: Math v. Superstition?


I have never understood the "purists" scoffing at people who change machines after a "cold" streak. The fact is that it really doesn't matter which machine you use - the odds are identical - so if one chooses to change machines because of an annoying draft, bad lighting, an obnoxious player nearby, wanting a change of scenery, or tiring of putting money in and getting none back, it makes no difference. One can continue on the same machine or move, and it should make no difference - so why the flap if you decide to move to a new machine? Makes no sense to me.

--- In vpFREE@yahoogroups.com, "armchairpresident" <smellypuppy@...> wrote:
> I understand the math and that is part of why I play video poker; however, I also have a superstitious hang up as well:
> I tend to change machines that are "cold."
> Since I have a stubborn streak and at some level know that the math will work out, I have not moved from machines that are taking my money as fast as I can repeatedly reach into my pocket for more. A couple of these really stubborn and deep-pocketed days were sessions where I did not hit any 4 of a kinds in about 5 hours each day playing at about 800 hands/hr on DDB.
> I typically rate a "cold" machine as losing 12 to 13 hands out of about 15 to 16 played with the only wins (if any) being paying pairs.
> The next day or sometimes, if I come back 5 hrs later that machine will start providing a statistically normal distribution. But it seems that the RNG in machines can yield really bad hand distributions for extended periods of time. At least that is my mathmatical justification for my superstititous machine changing attitude.
> Anyone share this? Have other behavior besides the earlier discussion about playing 1 vs. 5 coins?

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