[vpFREE] Former interview posted for next week's guest on GWAE


Next week's "Gambling with an Edge" will be an interview with Al Francesco, the inventor of the Big Player concept in blackjack. Munchkin did an interview with him several years ago and just posted it on his site http://www.richardmunchkin.com/2011/08/al-francesco-interview.html#more If you missed last night's interview with Vinnie DeCarlo (surveillance guy), the show is posted on both Richard's site and mine. Bob P.S. Bar Bartop mentioned "The Man with the $100,000 Breasts." That book was written by Michael Konik, who has been on the show talking about his book "Smart Money." Konik will be back soon (we don't have a specific date set) talking about "Breasts" (I highly recommend the book and will be reviewing it on my Tuesday column). Munch and I are debating whether to include Brian (the man who had the implants years ago to win the bet and still has them in place!) on the show or not! We probably will. It's not exactly on topic, but it sounds like an entertaining interview! Bob

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