[vpFREE] Triple Trouble Poker


anyone know the frequency of the bonus round in triple trouble poker?
and if it's consistent, or if it can be set to different values?

wizard of odds says it's 1.6%
(http://wizardofodds.com/videopoker/tables/tripletrouble.html), but he
just says he was "told" this, and doesn't cite a source or do
substantial testing to confirm it.

this document:

gives three different optimal return percentages for 8/5 triple
trouble depending on the machine settings, which makes me think that
the bonus round frequency can be set to different values. but this is
just a guess.

does bally still make the gamemaker? i've seen a lot of widescreen lcd
gamemakers around vegas, which have to be of fairly recent
manufacture, but i see nothing about it on ballytech.com, just a bunch
of slot machines.



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